Welcome to Science in Hayward!
"In HUSD science education, all K-12 students will have equitable opportunity to learn through active engagement with Science and Engineering Practices. Guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), students will use their wonder, curiosity and motivation to develop critical thinking and other scientific habits of mind in preparation for college, career, and citizenship."
-Created by science educators in HUSD (Circa August 2014)
Learn more about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how they will be implemented in the Hayward Unified School District.
Ochoa Science Staff
Ted Weller
7th Grade Integrated Science (School Notes), Room: 3
Gerald Willkom
7th/8th Grade Integrated Science, Room: 1
Guillermo Campos
8th Grade Integrated Science, Room: 4
Office Hours: Please check with each science teacher for their scheduled office hours.
Science Study Hall: Our Study Hall is open to all science students needing assistance with their coursework. Thursday in Room 3. The door opens at 3:15 PM.
Maple Syrup Video Links
8th Grade Science Links
7th Grade Science Links
- Physical and Chemical Properties
- Phet Simulation: Balancing Chemical Equations
- Physical Change vs. Chemical Change 1
- Physical Change vs. Chemical Change 2
- Phet Simulation: States of Matter
- Structure of Matter Reading Assignment
- The Smallest Bit
- Bill Nye Cells Video
- Squirrel Data
- What's your Carbon Footprint?
- Climate Change Solutions for the future
- Carbon Cycle for #1-7
- Carbon Cycle for #8-15
- Weathering & Erosion Article
- Classifying Rocks Article
- Seismology (Wegener's Revolution Revival)
- Ridges (Wegener's Revolution Revival)
- Deep Sea Drilling Project (Wegener's Revolution Revival)
- Ocean Floor vs. Continent (Wegener's Revolution Revival)
- Fish Diagram