Parent Corner
Parent Involvement
African American Student Achievement Initiative (AASAI) - AASAI is composed of parents and staff members of the school. They meet monthly to advise administration on services to improve African-American student achievement.
District English Language Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) - The purpose of DELAC is to serve as a forum for parents of English Learners to advise District leadership and provide recommendations to the HUSD Board of Trustees on decisions concerning programs, services, and policies for English Learners and their families. *Elections held in September.
English Language Advisory Committee(ELAC)- ELAC is composed of parents and staff members of the school. They meet a total of 5 times a year to advise the administration on services provided to English Language Learners. *Elections held in September.
Parent Ambassador - The Parent Ambassador program helps increase the district’s capacity to build a community of leaders that support outreach to parents and families, and refer and link youth and their families in HUSD to health services and other school site programs and resources. Click to learn more.
School Site Council (SSC) - SSC is an elected group of parents, students and staff members who meet 5 times a year to advise the Principal regarding the school plan and the use of school funds. These funds are Supplementary State Funds set aside to improve the total school plan. Elections held in September.
Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) - meets nine times from August-June; a strategy for ensuring that staff, parents, and students at individual school sites had a vehicle for engaging in the decision-making that most affected their own sites. Over the years, HUSD board and district leadership have affirmed the importance of SBDM as a means of exchanging ideas, data, and other information necessary to improving educational opportunities for HUSD students. Elections held in September.